
“When a person chooses to open their soul to art, the god in them becomes present. For some that don’t choose to listen to the voice for guidance, the art is lacking depth, clarity and soul. But the sands of time bears witness to some that have listened. When you look at the art Julie has created, I know there are many layers to each project. She follows the god in her to create these masterpieces. When art has the depth of the earth mother herself, magic of the entire cosmos is possible. Look deep into this art, for some may find portals into other dimensions, portals into their own soul. For others a ray of emotions may be called forth. This art is a tool for individual, and collective conscious healing. I am grateful for having the opportunity to watch some of the art unfold. It’s a new day, It’s a new world, and It’s a new dimension of art. Thank you Julie.”
– Max Tibbitts